27 febrero, 2019 - SatCesc.com

Hispasat highlights the role of the satellite in mobile communications and the 5G

The Spanish operator participates in a demonstration involving 5G connectivity for emergency services with a connected ambulance, an initiative promoted by the Generalitat of Catalonia, SEM, Vodafone, i2CAT, Hispasat, Juniper Networks e Iecisa and other members of the 5G Barcelona consortium.

Moreover, it presents a flat antenna, developed together with Phasor for professional road transport vehicles, which would be integrated into the ambulance in order to provide satellite connection throughout its journey.

Hispasat currently connects more than 2,300 mobile phone base stations from space.

New satellite terminal for professional vehicles

During the event, Hispasat presents, along with the model of the connected ambulance, the first prototype antenna especially designed to adapt to the requirements of land-mobility applications for road transport.

Thanks to this flat antenna that has a height of just 5 cm, professional and emergency vehicles will be connected via satellite in any environment where they must operate, and they may use applications such as operational telematics or have high-quality Internet access during the journey to the hospital.

This antenna, designed by the Phasor company under the specifications of Hispasat, has fully electronic steering and enables connectivity services to be efficiently and reliably offered in mobility with a high bandwidth.


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